Zendesk tickets
Use case
Created by
Each record represents a Zendesk ticket, enriched with data about it's tags, assignees, requester, submitter, organization and group.
Model columns
Column | Description |
ticket_id | Automatically assigned when the ticket is created |
url | The API url of this ticket |
assignee_id | The agent currently assigned to the ticket |
assignee_role | The role of the agent currently assigned to the ticket |
assignee_email | The email of the agent currently assigned to the ticket |
assignee_name | The name of the agent currently assigned to the ticket |
brand_id | Enterprise only. The id of the brand this ticket is associated with |
created_at | When this record was created |
ticket_type | The type of this ticket, possible values are problem, incident, question or task |
subject | The value of the subject field for this ticket |
description | Read-only first comment on the ticket |
priority | The urgency with which the ticket should be addressed, possible values are urgent, high, normal and low |
status | The state of the ticket, possible values are new, open, pending, hold, solved and closed |
recipient | The original recipient e-mail address of the ticket |
requester_id | The user who requested this ticket |
requester_role | The role of the user who requested this ticket |
requester_email | The email of the user who requested this ticket |
requester_name | The name of the user who requested this ticket |
submitter_id | The user who submitted the ticket. The submitter always becomes the author of the first comment on the ticket |
submitter_role | The role of the user who submitted the ticket. |
submitter_email | The email of the user who submitted the ticket. |
submitter_name | The name of the user who submitted the ticket. |
organization_id | The organization of the requester |
organization_name | The name of the organization of the requester |
external_id | The external id of the ticket |
group_id | The group this ticket is assigned to |
group_name | The name of the group this ticket is assigned to |
due_at | If this is a ticket of type "task" it has a due date. Due date format uses ISO 8601 format. |
ticket_form_id | Enterprise only. The id of the ticket form to render for the ticket |
is_public | Is true if any comments are public, false otherwise |
updated_at | When this record last got updated |
created_channel | The channel the ticket was created from |
source_from_id | The channel the ticket was created from |
source_from_title | The channel the ticket was created from |
source_rel | The rel the ticket was created from |
source_to_address | The address of the source the ticket was created from |
source_to_name | The name of the source the ticket was created from |
ticket_tags | A list of all tags assigned to this ticket |
problem_id | The reference to the problem if the ticket is listed as a problem |
is_incident | Boolean indicating whether the ticket is listed as an incident |
brand_name | The brand name of with the ticket |
ticket_form_name | The form name of the ticket |
latest_satisfaction_status | The lastest satisfaction score of a ticket |
first_satisfaction_status | The first satisfaction score of a ticket |
latest_satisfaction_score | The lastest satisfaction score of a ticket in numerical value, 1 equals to "good" and 0 equals to "bad" |
first_satisfaction_score | The first satisfaction score of a ticket in numerical value, 1 equals to "good" and 0 equals to "bad" |
latest_satisfaction_comment | The lastest satisfaction comment of a ticket |
latest_satisfaction_reason | The lastest satisfaction reason of a ticket |
ticket_organization_domain_names | The organization associated with the ticket domain names |
requester_organization_domain_names | The ticket requesters organization domain names |
requester_external_id | The ticket requester external id |
requester_created_at | The date the ticket requester was created |
requester_updated_at | The date the ticket requester was last updated |
is_requester_active | Boolean indicating whether the requester is currently active |
requester_locale | The locale of the ticket requester |
requester_time_zone | The timezone of the ticket requester |
requester_last_login_at | The last login of the ticket requester |
requester_organization_id | The organization id of the ticket requester |
requester_organization_name | The organization name of the ticket requester |
requester_organization_tags | The organization tags of the ticket requester |
requester_organization_external_id | The organization external id of the ticket requester |
requester_organization_created_at | The date the ticket requesters organization was created |
requester_organization_updated_at | The date the ticket requesters organization was last updated |
submitter_external_id | The ticket submitter external id |
is_agent_submitted | Boolean indicating if the submitter has an agent role |
is_submitter_active | Boolean indicating if the ticket submitter is active |
submitter_locale | The locale of the ticket submitter |
submitter_time_zone | The time zone of the ticket submitter |
assignee_external_id | The external id of the ticket assignee |
is_assignee_active | Boolean indicating if the ticket assignee is active |
assignee_locale | The locale of the ticket assignee |
assignee_time_zone | The time zone of the ticket assignee |
assignee_last_login_at | The date the ticket assignee last logged in |
requester_tag | The tags associated with the ticket requester. |
submitter_tag | The tags associated with the ticket submitter. |
assignee_tag | The tags associated with the ticket assignee. |
is_good_to_bad_satisfaction_score | Boolean indicating if the ticket had a satisfaction score went from good to bad. |
is_bad_to_good_satisfaction_score | Boolean indicating if the ticket had a satisfaction score went from bad to good. |
_fivetran_synced | Fivetran sync timestamp |
count_satisfaction_scores | The total number of satisfaction scores the ticket received. |
first_assignee_id | Assignee id of the first agent assigned to the ticket |
first_assignment_to_resolution_calendar_minutes | The time in calendar minutes between the first assignment and resolution of the ticket |
last_assignee_id | Assignee id of the last agent assigned to the ticket |
last_assignment_to_resolution_calendar_minutes | The time in calendar minutes between the last assignment and resolution of the ticket |
first_resolution_calendar_minutes | The number of calendar minutes between the ticket created time and the time the ticket was first set to solved status |
final_resolution_calendar_minutes | The number of calendar minutes between the ticket created time and the time the ticket was last set to solved status |
avg_reply_time_calendar_minutes | The average calendar time between all end-user comments and the next public agent response |
count_public_agent_comments | Count of public agent comments within the ticket |
count_agent_comments | Count of agent comments within the ticket |
count_end_user_comments | |
count_public_comments | Count of end user comments within the ticket |
count_internal_comments | Count of internal comments within the ticket |
count_ticket_handoffs | Count of distinct internal users who have touched/commented on the ticket. |
total_comments | Total count of all comments within the ticket |
is_one_touch_resolution | A boolean field indicating that the ticket has one public agent response and is in solved status |
is_two_touch_resolution | Boolean indicating if the ticket was resolved in two public comments |
agent_wait_time_in_minutes | The combined number of calendar minutes the ticket was in pending status |
requester_wait_time_in_minutes | The combined number of calendar minutes the ticket was in new, open, or hold status |
agent_work_time_in_minutes | The combined number of calendar minutes the ticket was in new or open status |
on_hold_time_in_minutes | The combined number of calendar minutes the ticket was on hold status |
new_status_duration_minutes | The duration in calendar minutes the ticket was in the new status |
open_status_duration_minutes | The duration in calendar minutes the ticket was in the open status |