Onboarding your team

Invite your team and configure their permissions

Inviting your team

There are several ways to share a canvas with teammates:

  1. Invite team members from the members tab on the home page

  2. Select share in the navigation menu to share your canvas with team members.

  3. Select comment in the canvas and select @ to mention an existing team member.

Team Permissions

Owners can invite team members to their Canvas team account and assign them any of the below permissions.



  • Manage integrations

  • Manage billing information

  • Manage team members


Create and manage shared canvases

  • Manage integrations

  • Manage billing information

  • Manage team members


Create private canvases

Create or manage shared canvases

Permissions within a Canvas

Owners can assign unique permissions on each canvas to control the access to and editing of sensitive data.



  • Share a canvas with other team members and assign them canvas-level permissions

  • Delete a shared canvas they own


Once invited,

  • Edit the canvas

  • Invite commenters

  • Comment

  • Duplicate the shared canvas for private edits

Once invited,

  • Invite other editors

  • Delete the canvas


Once invited,

  • Invite commenters

  • Comment

  • Duplicate the shared canvas for private edits

Once invited,

  • Edit the canvas

Last updated